Friday, June 25, 2010

Sun, San Diego, Beach Volleyball, Friends and Family...Could it Get Any Better?

It used to be an annual trip to San Diego to be with family and enjoy the beach life. The annual trip is now becoming a bi-annual trip and then some. Who can blame us when for four days we laugh more often then we've laughed all year, smile all the time, soak up all the vitamin D we can, compete and play volleyball, relax, be with best friends and family and wake up and do it all over again. A special thank you to my cousin John and his wife Aster for opening their home to us once again and inspiring these phenomenal trips, and to Kaiya and Matty their two beautiful children for allowing us to be part of their lives. Every time we come down it gets just a little bit harder to leave, but it gives us something to look forward to all year long. Thanks also to my best friends and brother for making the trip and taking time so we can all be together, and to my incredible husband for all of his love and support. Can't wait for the next trip down, and did I mention, John and I went 3-0 on the beach Sunday?

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